

庭綺出世至今, 終於有幸第一次體驗到獨力照顧庭綺的辛苦之處. 好堅啊!!!!

由8:00am.庭綺的morning call響起,便開始媽媽一日辛苦的工作...沖奶...餵奶...抱抱...煲湯...燉粥...飲湯, 食雞蛋...沖涼...餵粥...抱抱...小睡(三十分鐘都無...)...抱抱...飲湯...聽歌(原來庭綺對Kelly Chan的歌聲特別喜愛)...餵粥...抱抱...飲水...陪玩...沖奶...餵奶...抱抱...中間仲有無數次的扭計, 換片...直至晚上10:00, 救星終於出現la...姐姐番黎la...

原來姐姐一日的工作咁辛苦, 仲要照顧埋家務, 厲害厲害!!

當媽媽同爸爸講完今日一日辛苦的經曆時, 爸爸竟然話: "我今日都好辛苦, 由6:00行到10:00,行咗四個鐘先揾到間店食晚飯!"

算啦, 媽媽已記錄在案, 庭綺將來就會鍚媽媽多啲...haha...

written by Jade's mum


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally we heard that you feel tired when taking care of little Jade. haha.... but you are not alone, both Liwing and I feel the same way....

and both of us also think that you are so GREATE, because you not only did what we have did and also did what SamH and SamC did (you make such a GREATE blog)! How can we compare with you!!

10:35 AM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jade爸, 我封你做偶像!

3:49 PM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

爸爸, 栩爸0既留言有負面意識, 快啲反擊, 扣佢一盒蔴薯...

9:51 PM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....mmmm....我個人建議送十盒蔴薯比佢, 仲要佢即場食晒, 以示歉意。
PS. 屋企人可以幫手啦

11:35 PM, September 11, 2006  

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