
尋找失物 – Combi Baby Car

庭綺的第一架私家車, 藍色Combi, 遺留在台北的某架Taxi車尾箱內. 該Taxi是今年剛續牌的, 民國九十八年(2009)到期, 司機仲”其尼”哋放咗對小童約二至三歲的布鞋在車頭.

事發經過: 28/8/06晚上約九時, taxi由百德路前往華中路二段, 落車時由於雪雪(七歲)被車門夾親, 所有人的注意力都集中在雪雪上, 結果遺忘了庭綺架私家車. 由於台灣的taxi網絡較複雜, 所以未能即時有效地聯絡上司機, 如有朋友有方法或對台灣taxi網絡了解, 感激留言. 

P.S. 全程車費NT120, 爺爺俾咗NT200, 免找. 爺爺仍存有一絲寄望, 因為佢對司機叔叔咁好... 唔知司機叔叔仲記唔記得上述經過呢?!...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:21 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:43 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horace, please help to say "thanks" to your dad for his prompt response. I'll ask Jade's dad to try it...hope he could give us good news...

12:48 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

只係想八下小jade jade你係唔係因為漏左架車車喺阿扁度, 而家無車車坐要迫住學行呀? 真係慘慘呀!行得多甲組腳就論盡啦!

12:24 AM, September 12, 2006  
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