
一歲哪! 生日快樂!

25th Oct, 12:52am


Happy Birthday Ting Yee, Jade!


Blogger KokDamon said...

Thx for inviting me for the birthday party, Jade & May!!! seems you had lots of friends and relatives over there, not sure if u remember my face, but i'm happy to see your smile again, hope u'll like my card.

11:36 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure la, see... thx damon, and I'm sure Jade should remember u, click me again

12:42 AM, October 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks kankan, horace, chingching x 2, puipui, yoyo, yu sin, oscar, carol, cammy, ping, damon, melody, calvin and all of you...It's really a wonderful and unforgottable party for jade. Thanksthanks...and hope all of you enjoy the party too.

1:30 PM, October 28, 2006  

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